Jade Helm: Troops to “Operate Undetected Amongst Civilian Population”
Role players to practice infiltrating towns during controversial exercise.
Role players to practice infiltrating towns during controversial exercise.
Acting Attorney General Terri Griffiths told The Virgin Islands Daily News that she will prosecute the newspaper on criminal charges.
Agents refuse to help as man burns to death.
“This victory represents a critical step forward for accountability and transparency in our towns and cities…”
“…too early to provide additional information about the shooting…”
Should all speech and humor that hurts someone’s feelings be banned?
The United States military, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies are planning a two-months long exercise later this year.
Americans as young as 4 years old are being leg shackled, handcuffed, tasered and held at gun point.
‘Half a century ago people had to be reassured their social security card was not being used for identification. Now there are federally standardized and globally synchronized ID cards, government-sponsored online ID projects, DNA databases, […]
Chicago police play defense as allegations flood in.
State to get access to thousands of Americans’ genetic information.
Army training for operations inside U.S.
Turns Out POTUS actually DOES follow her.
‘The move to a cashless society won’t happen overnight. Instead, it is being implemented very slowly and systematically in a series of incremental steps. All over the planet, governments are starting to place restrictions on […]