‘The UK’s “Snooper’s Charter” was already terrible. The draft bill, finally released earlier this month, confirmed the UK government would be mandating encryption backdoors and requiring the retention of citizens’ web browsing history. On top of that, the bill confirmed dragnet surveillance by UK agencies was already in place (unbeknownst to its “oversight”) and, in […]

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‘Oblivious to the bus passenger capturing the events with his mobile device the IDF-Zionist soldier can be seen at the 1:30 mark throwing a what appears to be a knife on the ground and ordering the terrified girl to pick it up then getting prepared to shoot her but the soldier find out that someone […]

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‘The Australian Government is introducing legislation that converts itself into a virtual dictatorship whereby it has sweeping powers to order any communication company to simply do whatever they command. The claim the powers are as always for national security to prevent spies and criminals from accessing communications. This is akin to government saying they want […]

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‘Crowds gathered in the French capital on Sunday to attend a global march for the climate, despite the ban on gatherings enforced by French authorities. When one of the groups charged a police cordon, tear gas was deployed to push them back. “Huge amounts” of tear gas were fired at protesters near Place de la […]

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‘A Los Angeles city councilwoman just proposed one of the most chilling uses of license plate scanners ever. As an ostensible means of deterring prostitution, Nury Martinez of the L.A. city council wants to scan every single license plate, make a list, and mail out a shame letter to every person who drives through an […]

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