‘Enjoy WhatsApp while you still can. Britons could see the hugely popular cross-platform app BANNED under strict new laws on social media and online messaging services. Prime Minister David Cameron is pressing ahead with new legislation that plans to stop people from sending any form of encrypted messages. A number of popular messaging services – […]

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‘Well, Spain’s officially a police state now. On July 1st, its much-protested “gag” law went into effect, instantly making criminals of those protesting the new law. Among the many new repressive stipulations is a €30,000-€600,000 fine for “unauthorized protests,” which can be combined for maximum effect with a €600-€300,000 fine for “disrupting public events.” This […]

The post Spanish Government Goes Full Police State; Enacts Law Forbidding Dissent and ‘Unauthorized’ Photography Of Law Enforcement appeared first on David Icke.

‘Here we go again. More disturbing news arises about the depth of the U.S. torture program; a few politicians express their disgust at it; the U.S. media complex becomes complicit in the continuation of the program either by their adumbration of torture (Fair.org reported extensively on this in December and January), or by their silence; […]

The post The U.S. Still Tortures with Impunity appeared first on David Icke.