Elderly Couple Honk At Off Duty Cop; Cop Breaks Man’s Nose, Smashes Teeth Out With Gun
Uniformed officers arrived and “laughed and joked” with attacker.
Uniformed officers arrived and “laughed and joked” with attacker.
BBC: Criticism of feminism, homosexuality may be characterized as extremist.
South Carolina residents warned they may encounter military vehicles.
‘If you maintain an avid, robust online presence, chances are that you do a lot of searching. You might search for web sites, data, studies, and news. Perhaps you even search for some things you […]
Surveillance footage raises questions over officer’s actions.
“I’ve got PTSD, and I’ve seen enough death and destruction… I didn’t want anything else to happen if I could prevent it.”
Any cash is inherently suspicious and can be deemed “guilty” by the seizing agency with no corroborating evidence.
More domestic disorder coming in the aftermath of Ferguson & Baltimore.
Authorities to continue investigation of ‘off grid family’ in Kentucky.
‘A totalitarian state is only as strong as its informants. And the United States has a lot of them. They read our emails. They listen to, download and store our phone calls. They photograph us […]
Police say they may identify the officer who shot Brendon Glenn as early as Monday.
By banning the use of grand juries, the decision to prosecute officers would rest solely with local district attorneys.
U.S. delegation expected to face questions about human rights.
Nearly 2,600 detainees were turned away by city’s detention centre in past three years, suggesting police officers either ignored or did not notice the injuries.
Detained for 3-4 hours over “cute dog” comment and for not moving when ordered.