‘Between 2008 and 2015, central banks pretended that they had fixed the economy. In 2016, they’re starting to admit that they haven’t fixed much of anything. The current head of the Bank of England (Mark Carney) said last week: The global economy risks becoming trapped in a low growth, low inflation, low interest rate equilibrium. […]

The post Central Bankers Admit that Central Banks Have Failed to Fix the Economy appeared first on David Icke.

‘The push by the world’s central bankers to essentially ban the use of cash is intensifying, but it belies another truth that is hard to escape: Even as they advocate a cashless society, which they say is necessary to reduce theft and stop criminals, these same central bankers are printing money like crazy. As noted […]

The post Central banksters say outlawing cash will stop criminals … while stealing trillions from everyone by ‘printing’ money out of thin air appeared first on David Icke.

‘When do we, the people of the world, stop listening to these self-serving jackasses who caused the distortions that the world now suffers under in the economic realm and stop trying to protect those who stole their wealth from everyone else? “Downside risks to the outlook have increased, particularly for emerging market economies. Against this […]

The post IMF’s Lagarde: More Debt appeared first on David Icke.

‘As more and more economic turmoil continues to brew on an international scale, the global elite are manufacturing a global solution in the form of a cashless society. Dan Dicks breaks it down in this PFT video report.’  

The post The Truth About Our Cashless Society Future appeared first on David Icke.

‘Why are governments rushing to eliminate cash? During previous recoveries following the recessionary declines, the central banks were able to build up their credibility and ammunition so to speak by raising interest rates during the […]