‘Israel has threatened to annul press credentials of journalists and editors who use ‘contrary to reality’ headlines for their articles. The move comes in response to a publication from US broadcaster CBS after a terror attack in Jerusalem on Wednesday. CBS reacted to the terrorist attack which claimed the life of a 19-year-old female officer […]

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‘Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has adamantly denied Russian accusations of Turkey’s oil dealings with Islamic State, yet ordinary Turks question his words and are not surprised by the evidence presented by Moscow. RT’s Harry Fear has asked people on the streets of Istanbul what they make of the report presented by the Russian Defense […]

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‘During a recent show, top talker Rush Limbaugh observed that essentially everything Americans see and hear out of Washington, D.C., is little more than pre-scripted theater masquerading as real events unfolding publicly before our eyes. Of course, the mainstream media plays right along with all of the political theater. While there are many examples, Limbaugh […]

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‘CAMERA is a pro-­Israel media lobby with chapters in most major US cities and Israel including New York City, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, Miami, and Boston. More worrying for the UK is that this lobby also has an affiliate lobby in London that monitors media coverage of Israel with the intent to promote the dissemination […]

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‘As revelations continued to spill out about phone-hacking at the News of the World, Rebekah Brooks tried to seize the initiative. According to a senior executive who works for a rival newspaper group, the News International chief executive assumed that her tabloid wasn’t the only one guilty of listening in to celebrity voicemails. ‘Rebekah was […]

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