“England Should Be a Nation of Self Governing Communities” There is only one solution for the insane mess that goes under the name of ‘democracy’ to day, and that is to return to human scale largely self governing communities.  This was the great cry that went up in 1381 as the farmer revolutionary […]

‘Iraqi people have staged a popular uprising against Daesh Takfiri terrorists in the northern city of Mosul. Iraqi media quoted a military statement as saying that clashes erupted in the Nineveh province’s capital between the so-called police of Daesh and residents after the terrorists banned the people from leaving the city. The terrorists also seized […]

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Solicitors from all over the UK have started legal action to stop changes to the legal aid system and have caused the Ministry of Justice to put a brake on the cuts. Read more: Solicitors revolt causes Ministry of Justice to rethink changes to legal aid

The post Solicitors revolt causes Ministry of Justice to rethink changes to legal aid appeared first on David Icke.

‘More than 50 magistrates are understood to have resigned from the bench in recent weeks amid an extraordinary judicial revolt against new court charges which critics claim encourage innocent people to plead guilty. Pressure to reform the criminal courts charge, which was introduced earlier this year, has increased as more cases emerge of impoverished people […]

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