‘For Britain, geostrategic objectives outweigh human rights in Ukraine, British political analyst and publisher of Politics First magazine Marcus Papadopoulos told TASS on Wednesday. “The conflict in Ukraine has claimed many civilian lives and has the potential to claim many, many more. However, Britain, while it claims to be a guardian of human rights, acts […]

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‘The United States is accelerating a plot to provoke a Kiev-style color revolution in Russia that could lead to a toppling of Putin’s government and place the world in the most dangerous situation since the height of the cold war.’

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‘The events surrounding the contract between France and Russia on the construction of two Mistral ships for more than a year have been the focus of different countries. Particular interest to this deal was paid by Washington, where policymakers were convinced that their “training leash” will not allow the sitting authorities in the Elysee Palace […]

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‘Big Lies repeated ad nauseam get most people to believe them. The long ago discredited canard about Russian aggression in Ukraine continues being repeated – on Saturday by neocon Washington Post editors. They lied claiming “(n)early six months after Russia agreed to an immediate cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, its forces continue to shell and rocket […]

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‘Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned against making ‘unfounded accusations’ regarding undeclared chemical weapons in Syria. Lavrov said in a statement on Sunday that the operation to remove chemical weapons stockpiles from Syria has been successful. “This problem was successfully resolved,” said Lavrov, adding, “We have every basis to consider that Syria will continue […]

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‘American hawks are calling upon the US government to “flood” Ukraine with weapons because they are more concerned about their own wallets than about European security, US journalist Lee Fang points out. Although the United States Institute of Peace and its chairman Stephen Hadley profess that they promote international peace through nonviolent conflict resolution, it […]

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‘As Syria’s civil war enters its fourth year, it’s become something of an open secret that ISIS, for all their bluster and Hollywood-level video editing capabilities, are at best an unhappy side effect of efforts to train and arm the Syrian resistance and at worst, are a “strategic asset” funded and supported by coalition governments. […]

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‘The United States Institute of Peace is a publicly funded national institution chartered by the U.S. government to promote international peace through nonviolent conflict resolution. But its chairman, Stephen Hadley, is a relentless hawk whose advocacy for greater military intervention often dovetails closely with the interests of Raytheon, a major defense contractor that pays him […]

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‘Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has voiced support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. “We would like to see the Palestinians — all of them — have their permanent home,” Lavrov said during a meeting with Khaled Meshaal, the political bureau chief of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in the Qatari capital Doha […]

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‘A high-ranking Russian official says Moscow is working to upgrade the S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system it plans to deliver to Iran. Vladimir Kozhin, President Vladimir Putin’s aide on military and technical cooperation, said on Thursday that the Russian-built S-300 air defense system is to be modernized before being delivered to Iran, given the fact […]

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