Major Hurricane Joaquin to Impact Over 65 Million From South Carolina to Massachusetts | Joaquin’s extended assault on the Bahamas has altered the storm track. | Joaquin’s extended assault on the Bahamas has altered the storm track.
Julie Fidler | As numerous other lawsuits are pending.
Louder With Crowder | Leftists would have you believe that oil is Earth’s poison.
UK Mirror | The world famous physicist has admitted that if aliens came to visit Earth, the outcome might not be a positive one.
Washington Post | You can already rate restaurants, hotels, movies, college classes, government agencies and bowel movements online.
Christina Sarich | A key sign we need truly independent testing.
Financial Times | Researchers in the US have developed an implant to help a disabled brain encode memories.
Christina Sarich | Farmer advised to wear face mask for protection.
Medical Press | Emerging evidence ties endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to two of the biggest public health threats facing society.
UK Express | A BRITISH pensioner has become the first person to undergo revolutionary eye surgery aimed at curing blindness in millions of people.
Zero Hedge | The results have not been promising.
London Independent | The brains of high-achieving individuals are wired up differently.
Julie Fidler | Plus some of the ‘signs to look out for’.
New American | President Barack Obama wants to “tweak” your brain so you’ll be healthier and happier.
RT | If the skies are clear, the celestial display should be visible after nightfall.