DARPA’s Next Generation Of Super Zombie Soldiers
BFN | Here’s how DARPA is creating the next generation of genetically modified soldiers.
BFN | Here’s how DARPA is creating the next generation of genetically modified soldiers.
Gateway Pundit | You just can’t make this stuff up…
Christina Sarich | As we waste millions of tonnes of food each year.
Michael Snyder | Did you know that a magnitude 3.5 earthquake hit the New Madrid fault about a week ago?
Julie Fidler | “We see the damage already caused by GMOs”.
Christina Sarich | Should the GM crop be deemed unsafe?
Yahoo News | Covered in code no one can decipher.
Michael Krieger | How free does it make you feel that the Department of Defense is partnering with 162 companies, universities and other groups to develop wearable technology?
Julie Fidler | Sometimes with life-threatening side effects.
UK Daily Mail | Men find thinner women attractive because they associate their body shape with youth, fertility and a lower risk of disease.
Joshua Krause | In recent years there have been growing fears towards the possible side effects of some electromagnetic waves, such as cell phone radiation and wifi.
Christina Sarich | Sufficient for global experimentation?
RT | Find yourself in a black hole? Not to worry.
Christina Sarich | Following Scotland’s refusal of GM crops.
London Independent | The increased availability of romantic opportunities with men make women more likely to confirm to a traditional sexual stereotype.