Military Guards Autonomous Car Test Site
Prison | The next generation of “transportation network infrastructure” is a combination of Big Business, Big Government & Big Brother.
Prison | The next generation of “transportation network infrastructure” is a combination of Big Business, Big Government & Big Brother.
London Independent | High-frequency internet users find it much more difficult to pay attention.
Joshua Krause | When Japan decided it was going to begin the process of restarting many of their mothballed nuclear reactors last week, there was certainly cause for alarm.
Christina Sarich | The effect genetically modified bacteria has on our soil as one reason why GMOs aren’t so great.
New American | Voters worldwide, apparently, are not buying the hype.
UK Daily Mail | People are no less likely to believe something just because it has been called a conspiracy theory.
Christina Sarich | Campbell’s will be launching several lines of organic kid’s soups.
Joshua Krause | An official with the EPA asked Hickenlooper to stop making comments about the returning health of the river.
Tech Insider | Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) — which are touted for their energy-saving properties — are actually making light pollution worse.
Gateway Pundit | The EPA is reportedly trying to strong-arm Navajo Indian leaders to sign away their rights to future claims against the agency from the Gold King Mine disaster.
UK Daily Mail | Forget joysticks and exoskeletons, the future of warfare could see robot armies controlled using just a commander’s mind.
Christina Sarich | And this isn’t the only study coming to these conclusions.
New American | Robot-human marriage is not about robot rights; it is about the right of a human to choose to marry a robot.”
Christina Sarich | An example of drug fraud?
RT | A spectacular predawn dual flight of fighters from two epochs, the mid-20th century P-51 Mustang and the early 21st century F-22 has been captured on video.