Scientist Finds Strange “Bioenergy” Field Surrounding Humans
Joshua Krause | For centuries, various cults and religions have suggested that human beings exude a kind of energy field that can’t be perceived with the five senses.
Joshua Krause | For centuries, various cults and religions have suggested that human beings exude a kind of energy field that can’t be perceived with the five senses.
The Mirror | Kim Jong-un claims to have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed.
The Mirror | Kim Jong-un claims to have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed.
The Mirror | Kim Jong-un claims to have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed.
CNS News | found 545 distinct rules published by the FDA since January 20, 2009 covering medical devices, food additives, and animal drugs, to name a few.
CNS News | found 545 distinct rules published by the FDA since January 20, 2009 covering medical devices, food additives, and animal drugs, to name a few.
CHRISTINA SARICH | The same company that releases GM mosquitoes.
CHRISTINA SARICH | The same company that releases GM mosquitoes.
Christina Sarich | An essential move to protect our collective future.
Christina Sarich | An essential move to protect our collective future.
The Daily Sheeple | Oh come on! Are we really supposed to believe there is a cheery positive upside to this line of research?
The Daily Sheeple | Oh come on! Are we really supposed to believe there is a cheery positive upside to this line of research?
Michael Snyder | Things have never been this dry for this long in the recorded history of the state of California, and this has created an unprecedented water crisis.
ROBERT HARRINGTON | Yet another reason to kick the habit.
Prison | National History Museum in London is using a Pheromone Destruction System.