Study Indicates Abortion Increases Risk of Breast Cancer
Truth Revolt | “This is the type of research we have been calling for.”
Truth Revolt | “This is the type of research we have been calling for.”
Robert Harrington | Bill seeks to force states into full compliance.
Christina Sarich | Firefighters reportedly used ‘special kind of foam’.
EAG News | Disgusting school lunches appearing on Facebook and Twitter continue to turn the stomachs of students and parents alike.
Washington’s Blog | Ice? Salt? Alien disco party?
Washington Post | The Syrian Electronic Army appears to have struck again.
AP | The worst die-off was in the summer.
RT | Psychiatric drugs lead to the deaths of over 500,000 people aged 65 and over annually in the West, a Danish scientist says.
Christina Sarich | Following recent glyphosate-cancer link.
Mashable | Page may be well-meaning, but as Musk says, “He could produce something evil by accident.”
Christina Sarich | Sorry Monsanto – no more glyphosate imports.
Daily Caller | Scientists are struggling to stage expeditions to the South Pole because Antarctica’s sea ice has been growing rapidly and hit record high levels.
Christina Sarich | Now US stores just need to follow.
Business Insider | Here’s yet another piece of evidence suggesting Apple is covertly developing an electric car.
Medical Xpress | At least two children died and another 37 were sickened after babies were vaccinated in a remote village in southern Mexico, officials said Saturday.