‘George Osborne wants the headlines from his Wednesday spending review to praise his largesse as he backtracked on tax credit cuts (partly at least) and on planned cuts to policing. But, as always, the devil was in the detail. Here are 9 of the cuts he is sneaking through:’ Read more: The nine spending review cuts […]

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‘Britain is to increase its counter-terrorism funding by 30 percent in the wake of the Paris attacks, finance minister George Osborne said Sunday. The chancellor of the exchequer would not rule out cuts to frontline police numbers but said he was confident Britain would be able to deal with a major terror assault. Osborne will […]

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George Osborne had ordered minsters to draw up plans to achieve 25% cuts to budgets for the autumn spending review. A host of ministers have issued warnings about the brutality of cuts to services. Read more: Cabinet revolt over George Osborne’s savage budget cuts

The post Cabinet revolt over George Osborne’s savage budget cuts appeared first on David Icke.