‘Saudi Arabia has reportedly declined the Pentagon’s offer of combat ships, which would enable the kingdom to replace and modernize its eastern fleet in the Persian Gulf. Last week, Riyadh rejected the $4 billion offer for four frigates based on the Lockheed Martin littoral combat ship (LCS) design allegedly over high costs and a long […]

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‘ISIS has many faults, but it sure knows a good car when it sees one. The US Treasury is now pressing Toyota about why so many of its vehicles are being driven around by the terrorist group, as evidenced in their propaganda videos. Toyota has issued a statement to explain that this is part of […]

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‘American hawks are calling upon the US government to “flood” Ukraine with weapons because they are more concerned about their own wallets than about European security, US journalist Lee Fang points out. Although the United States Institute of Peace and its chairman Stephen Hadley profess that they promote international peace through nonviolent conflict resolution, it […]

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