‘There can be no doubt — the three repeated images on a can of Monster are the Hebrew numbers 6 – 6 – 6 (vav vav vav) — “the mark of the beast”. The slogan “Unleash the Beast” refers to Satan (referred to as ‘The Beast’ in the Book of Revelations). The ‘O’ in Monster […]

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‘The eight short videos that preceded the release of Rhianna’s ANTIdiaRY album conceal a heavy message: They reveal the process required from an artist to enter the higher ups of the music industry, which is ruled by an occult elite. Rihanna was discovered by music industry people when she was a teenager in Barbados and, […]

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‘In the wake of David Bowie’s death, his last album, “Blackstar”, is his swan song, an enigmatic conclusion to a career punctuated by otherworldly alter-egos and esoteric symbolism. We’ll look at the meaning of “Blackstar” in the context of David Bowie’s career. Very few artists can boast the longevity of David Bowie in the music […]

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‘In this first SPOTM of 2016, I can confirm that the elite’s agenda did not take a break for the holidays … and that it is more obvious than ever this year. In this edition: Miley Cyrus (of course), Willow and Jaden Smith, Star wars and Charlie Hebdo.’ Read more: Vigilant Citizen – Symbolic Pics of […]

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‘Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How many of us realize that this merry festival has roots, in fact, in ancient traditions of magic mushrooms, […]

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‘In this edition of SPOTM: Kylie Jenner as Beta Kitten, the one-eye sign everywhere and more proof that the fashion world needs to go in rehab, go to jail and get an exorcism at the same time.’ Read more and see more pics here …

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‘Kendrick Lamar’s first album Good Kid, M.A.A.D City was a critical and commercial success that skyrocketed the rapper’s career into super-stardom. In addition to featuring crowd-pleasing singles such as B*tch, Don’t Kill My Vibe, the album captivated music purists with an intricate story that unfolded throughout the opus. Lamar’s second album, To Pimp a Butterfly, […]

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‘The word convict is often used in the legal system to identify people who have been found “guilty” of a crime and is serving a sentence in prison. What most people do not know about the word convict is that there is a deeper meaning to this word. Its deeper meaning is used by the […]

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‘The destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers) sculpted right on the building… Strange occult symbols on the floor… Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary… Home of the Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a new world religion… This cathedral is definitively “different”, as some people might say. But the […]

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‘Mission patches are used by military and space organizations to identify, symbolize and describe a mission’s objectives and its crew. This tradition is also observed in the shady world of PSYOPS where each secret mission of the Pentagon gets its patch. These patches offer a rare glimpse into the Pentagon’s secret operations and the symbolism […]

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‘Disney released five character posters promoting the highly anticipated movie ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’. All five of them prominently feature the one-eye sign, indicating that the movie is part of the elite’s Agenda. In 2012, the Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced three new Star Wars films. On top of acquiring […]

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‘The trailer and the first episode of the fifth season of American Horror Story are already full of Illuminati symbolism and occult elite agenda. With a name like American Horror Story, one cannot expect to be watching unicorns jumping above rainbows. It is however clear that this season is all about glorifying the occult elite’s […]

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‘The Weeknd is a Canadian R&B singer who has enjoyed a steady rise in popularity in the past few years. However in 2015, his career truly took off with a hit album, a number one single, music awards appearances and even tabloid action (with his 18 year-old girlfriend Bella Haddid). As if narrating his meteoric […]

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