‘Police were last night urged to patrol in pairs for their own safety amid rising fears of a terrorist plot to murder an officer on UK streets. The advice was issued by the nation’s counter-terrorism […]

‘Anti-Brussels campaigners accused the Labour leader of attempting to make “political capital out of the Paris shootings.” Mr Miliband made the remark during a question-and-answer session with voters in Stevenage, Hertfordshire. “Think about terrorism and […]

‘David Cameron is meeting intelligence and security chiefs to discuss Britain’s response to the terror attacks in France which began with last week’s massacre at Charlie Hebdo magazine. After joining French president Francois Hollande and […]

Savage Slaughter In Paris Shows West and Freedom Itself Vulnerable The savage attacks on the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, in Paris leaving 12 dead yesterday shows how vulnerable western societies and economies are to the twin threats of terrorism and