‘Russia’s foreign minister has called for the closure of the Turkish border with Syria, saying the region is used to smuggle weapons into the Arab country to supply terror groups operating in Syria. Sergei Lavrov told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday that some of the smuggled arms are hidden in humanitarian […]

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‘This latest diplomatic development certainly appears positive on its surface, this week’s declared ‘Syrian Ceasefire’ – a three-way agreement between Washington, Russia and the Syrian government (and begrudgingly by the West’s other regional ‘stakeholders’) looks increasingly like it may just be the latest attempt to buy time – so that Washington, Turkey and Saudi Arabia […]

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‘As you might have noticed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is about to lose his mind with the situation in Syria. To be sure, the effort to usurp the Bashar al-Assad government wasn’t exactly going as planned in the first place. Regime change always takes time, but the conflict in Syria was dragging into its […]

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‘Turkish forces have escorted at least 2,000 militants back to Syria over the last week in a covert operation to reverse the loss of terrorist groups, sources say. “We have been allowed to move everything from light weapons to heavy equipment mortars and missiles and our tanks,” Abu Issa, a commander of the militant group […]

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‘The United States has condemned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s pledge to regain control of the entire country, saying there is no military solution to the years-long conflict. State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said on Friday that the Syrian president does not have ‘any legitimacy, but others do.’ ‘He [Assad] is not a legitimate leader for […]

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‘The British government under Prime Minister David Cameron’s leadership can claim absolute consistency in just one policy: towering, jaw dropping hypocrisy. They follow Tony Blair and his tantrum prone, nail biting successor, Gordon Brown’s bombing, year zero inducing, orphan-creating footsteps as they attempt to market potential war crimes and illegal assaults, dressed as democracy bringing, […]

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‘The recent column by Pat Buchanan could not be more spot on. It slices through the misbegotten assumption that Saudi Arabia is our ally and that the safety and security of the citizens of Lincoln NE, Spokane WA and Springfield MA have anything to do with the religious and political machinations of Riyadh and its […]

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‘The Washington Post’s editorial pages are once again being used to spread hate, discontent and propaganda, this time as a defense against Islamist extremists who belong to organizations dedicated to the murder of as many Western “infidels” as possible. In a piece headlined, “Stop asking me to condemn terrorists just because I’m Muslim,” Rana Elmir, […]

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‘Thursday marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of America’s deadliest terrorist organization: the Klu Klux Klan. Since September 11, extremists associated with various far-right wing ideologies, including the KKK and Jewish extremists, have killed far more people in the United States than extremists motivated by radical Islam. One centuries’ old example of US government […]

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‘Israel claims that it’s in a mortal struggle with Islamic terrorists … But as we reported last year, the Israeli military has admitted to supporting Syrian Islamic jihadis. And see this. Last week, Daily Mail journalists embedded with Israeli troops reported: Almost every night, Israeli troops run secret missions to save the lives of Syrian fighters, […]

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‘In recent speeches and other public statements, Netanyahu calls Palestinian self-defense against the Israeli occupier “terrorism.” At the same time, he claimed daily Israeli-instigated violence has nothing to do with their justifiable courageous response after nearly half a century of illegal, brutalizing military occupation. He lied, saying “the terrorists are attacking in California or in […]

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‘ISIS oil funding is now more in the center of mainstream media attention than it has ever been, particularly since the Russians began bombing real ISIS targets and forcing the United States to embark upon yet another phony bombing campaign against “ISIS oil money” in order to save face in front of its unwitting victims […]

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‘Imagine that you are the head of a vast international terrorist network. At your disposal are hundreds of fanatics, including women, who are willing to blow themselves up in suicide attacks. Just do a Google Search of the term “suicide bomber” and see how many of these attacks are alleged to have taken place over […]

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‘As predicted and previously reported, terrorists who took part in an unprecedented attack in the center of Paris killing over a 100 and injuring hundreds more, were well-known to French security agencies before the attack took place. The UK Daily Mail reported in its article, “Hunt for the Isis killers: One terrorist identified as ‘young […]

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