‘US President Barack Obama condemned the “outrageous” terrorist attacks in Paris, and promised the United States stands ready to provide whatever assistance is necessary to the French government and people. “This was an attack not just on Paris… not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and […]

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‘The United States is deploying Special Operations Forces (SOF) to Syria to use them as “human shields” to halt Russian airstrikes against the CIA-trained militants there, according to a writer and political analyst. Finian Cunningham, who has extensively written for Russia Today, Sputnik, Strategic Culture Foundation and Press TV, made the remarks in an article […]

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Speaking last week at an annual gathering of the Valdai Club, a group of Russian and international analysts and politicians, Putin said that the U.S. had been using terrorists throughout the Middle East as ‘a battering ram to overthrow regimes they don’t like.’ Read more: Putin: US Using Terrorists as ‘Battering Ram to Overthrow Regimes They […]

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‘Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says Ankara will not allow Kurds to take control of northern Syria, accusing them of trying to grab land in the region. The Turkish president made the comments in a Saturday speech, condemning the recent merging of the Syrian town of Tal Abyad into an autonomous political structure established by […]

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‘While lawmakers seem to have no problem finding funds for bombs fighter jets and terrorists in Syria and Iraq, it seems that it is much more difficult for them to find money to pay American soldiers for their service and pay for their healthcare once that service is over. This is because Congressional Defense leaders […]

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‘The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi. The documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound […]

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‘A senior Turkish lawmaker disclosed that Ankara has supplied the foreign-backed militants in Syria with the deadly poisonous Sarin gas. “The terrorist groups in Syria have received Sarin gas from Ankara,” member of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) Barish Arkadash said on Tuesday. He pointed to the investigations by the UN in Syria proving that […]

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‘Russia has been flying around 50 missions a day on average in Syria. Soon this number will be closer to 300, according to reports in the British press. The Independent reports: Russia aims to increase its aerial missions over Syria to 300 a day, sources close to the country’s operations have reportedly said. President Vladimir […]

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‘The Department of Homeland Security actually maintains a “hands-off” list of known terrorists or those suspected of engaging in terrorist activities, allowing them to travel into and out of the United States as they please, even as law-abiding Americans are harassed and harangued by being put on the no-fly list for political reasons. As reported […]

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‘The CIA has rebranded its “army of moderates” (sometimes called the “Free Syrian Army” or “terrorists”). The new freedom-spreading group will be called the Syrian Democratic Forces: “The Syrian Democratic Forces calls itself a unified national military, aimed at establishing a new democratic Syria. Members include Kurds, Arabs and Assyrian Christians. But those familiar with […]

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‘In the last decade, now 7/7 has dropped out of this statistic, only one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. Let me repeat that. In the last decade, one person has been killed in the UK by an Islamic terrorist attack. That unfortunate death was Lee Rigby. Rigby’s tragic […]

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  ‘The head of MI5 has launched an unprecedented attack on social media companies, saying they have a “responsibility” to pass on intelligence of potential terrorism. Andrew Parker, Director General of the Security Service, questioned why internet companies would not come forward if they had suspicions of a terror risk. He also warned Britain was […]

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‘Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad has dropped the following bombshell in a new interview with RT, where he well and truly drops the hammer on recent Western foreign policy decisions: “It’s not about that Europe didn’t accept them or embrace them as refugees, it’s about not dealing with the cause. If you are worried about them, […]

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‘An Isil fighter from Syria is hiding in a migrant camp in Calais with the aim of illegally entering Britain to commit “terror attacks”, according to local French media. French police have been told to locate and arrest the man who left Syria in August and is on a French terror suspect watch list known […]

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