Greece Buys Gold Sovereigns as New Greek Drachmas Unveiled – Greece warns may default on IMF loan next week – Greek bank runs continue and deposits flee – German Bundestag votes for bailout extension – Syriza agree to a bailout

‘Since 2010 the troika, consisting of the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Union’s commission, has forced different governments in Athens to implement six consecutive austerity programs which have severely lowered […]

‘Fractures began to appear in the Greek government today as Athens prepared to hand over a key proposed list of structural economic reforms to the country’s European creditors. The proposals – which include cracking down […]

For all the third-party analysis, punditry and opinions such as this one by the Irish finance minister Michael Noonan: “Their political problem is that this a reversal of their election position. There is absolutely nothing […]

Syriza Defies Technocrats, US Pressure EU to Accommodate Greece, Greeks Buy Gold – Tsipras to push ahead with counter-reforms “in their entirety” – Dijsselbloem tells Syriza it must comply with Troika this week or have funding cut from February 28th

‘Having just written that Greece needs Spartans in order to prevail over its creditors and the EU, the new Greek government is showing signs of being Spartans. Listen to these words from Greece’s new Prime […]

‘Greece’s newly-elected anti-austerity Finance Minister says his government will no longer cooperate with the troika of international lenders or seek aid extension. Yanis Varoufakis made the announcement on Friday, following a meeting with Eurogroup President […]

‘In a taste of what lies ahead, Yanis Varoufakis, the flamboyant new finance minister, said on his way to the government’s swearing-in ceremony that negotiations would not continue with the hated troika of officials representing […]

Gold Demand Explodes as Volatility and Fear Stalk Market Although the extent to which the surprise move by the Swiss National Bank last week has damaged financial institutions will not be apparent until the end of the month, it is