DHS: FOIA Requests Up 182 Percent Under Obama – 5.7 Percent Are Fully Granted
CNS News | The DHS says it received a record 291,242 FOIA requests in fiscal year 2014.
CNS News | The DHS says it received a record 291,242 FOIA requests in fiscal year 2014.
Bizpac Review | After a long wait and speculation Hillary Clinton anticlimactically announced her bid Sunday for the Democrat nomination for president in 2016.
Bizpac Review | After a long wait and speculation Hillary Clinton anticlimactically announced her bid Sunday for the Democrat nomination for president in 2016.
“I think the thing is about the Clintons is that there’s a certain sense that they think they’re above the law.”
“The real issue is Clinton fatigue, a national exhaustion from having been-there-done-that too many times.”
Reuters | A man shot himself dead in front of the U.S. Capitol on Saturday.
Reuters | A man shot himself dead in front of the U.S. Capitol on Saturday.
Police Also Investigating Suspicious Package at Capitol.
Judicial Watch obtains new information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The Hill | “Do we really want to put the country through another Clinton term of scandal and deceit and self-serving behavior?”
The Hill | “Do we really want to put the country through another Clinton term of scandal and deceit and self-serving behavior?”
Washington Examiner | Reporters in the national press are all in bed with their powerful government sources.
Kit Daniels | “There will be another crisis, and its impact will be felt by the financial markets,” he wrote.
Kit Daniels | “There will be another crisis, and its impact will be felt by the financial markets,” he wrote.
Notorious politician’s dark history.