Ben Carson: ‘I Refuse To Give Into The PC Police’
Truth Revolt | “We shouldn’t submit to the PC Police, and to people who are trying to control us by intimidation.”
Truth Revolt | “We shouldn’t submit to the PC Police, and to people who are trying to control us by intimidation.”
Victor Skinner | A California middle school teacher learned a valuable lesson about Black History Month this week: segregation is bad.
FCC Commissioner called net neutrality a “solution that won’t work to a problem that doesn’t exist.”
Americans are being held without access to the outside world or legal representation.
Unpresedented power grab.
Fed will continue printing funny money until the economy collapses
It’s just a scheme to vastly increase the federal government’s control over the Internet.
For now, the plan is in the FCC’s hands.
Bizpac Review | If this wasn’t so ridiculous it would be sad.
Kit Daniels | “…The ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists,” says professor who spearheaded FCC’s proposed regulations.
Truth Revolt | Melissa Harris-Perry address to university caught on camera.
“…The ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists,” says professor who spearheaded FCC’s proposed regulations.
ISIS terror propaganda campaign moves into high gear.
Rob Dew | Canadian scientists and the U.S. Navy say flu shot ineffective.
Prison | Agency also refuses to publicly release proposed regulations.