Harry Reid returns to the Senate floor
Reid returns from surgery after injury to right eye.
Reid returns from surgery after injury to right eye.
Kit Daniels | White House sets up shadow amnesty program illegally.
And the media chooses to demonize Republicans?
Another five million work permits to illegals via the Department of Homeland Security.
Proles upset over Seahawks’ bad play calling while ignoring greater evils committed by Obama.
Bizarre cult surrounds NWO’s puppet president.
Daily Caller | Washington never lived in the White house.
Truth Revolt | “I’m the best qualified of anybody on our side of the aisle…”
Trey Sanchez | But remains committed to back its implementation.
“…idea is to get students to talk about something they may hide from their parents or not even understand what is happening.”
“…idea is to get students to talk about something they may hide from their parents or not even understand what is happening.”
Older brother said to have influenced younger siblings.
Older brother said to have influenced younger siblings.
Newsmax | Sen. Rand Paul was quick to call Jeb Bush a hypocrite.
Affords educators legal immunity in the unlikely event that they happen to kill any of their students during school-sanctioned events.