‘In his speech at the UN General Assembly, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu accused Iran of aggressive behavior and sharply criticized the nuclear deal with Tehran. He also addressed relations with Palestine and berated the UN for alleged anti-Israeli bias. The nuclear deal with Iran “doesn’t make peace more likely,” but only fuels Iran’s aggression with […]

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‘A group of human rights experts affiliated with the United Nations has called on the Saudi regime to stop executing children, saying Riyadh must abide by the terms of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. “Any judgment imposing the death penalty upon persons who were children at the time of the offense, […]

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‘By all accounts in the local NYC media, going anywhere near the United Nations headquarters this week is probably just about the last place you’d want to be right now. Security for the Pope’s visit, not to mention the 170 confirmed world leaders coming to the UN Summit at the UN headquarters there, has transcended […]

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‘A draft resolution on hoisting the Palestinian flag at the UN headquarters is set to be put to a vote next week, the Palestinian envoy says. Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour said on Thursday that the General Assembly is scheduled to vote on the Palestinian proposal on September 10, stressing, “We have the […]

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‘Israel’s government is not keen on the United Nations. A common sign in the illegal settlements reads, “UNwelcome”. Israel sees the UN as hostile territory. Its ambassadors behave on a war footing. Ron Prosor, the former ambassador, routinely attacked senior UN officials when he didn’t agree with them, calling many “anti-Semites”. Israel has now sent […]

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‘The US delegation to the UN revealed a draft resolution yesterday which calls on Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to form a Joint Investigative Mechanism with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to look into their use in Syria. The draft resolution aims to assemble an investigations team to determine the individuals, entities, groups or […]

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‘Just days after the U.N. released its “Report of the Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—during a closed meeting of Israeli officials— remarked that “Israel is considering whether or not to stay in the Human Rights Council in light of the recent UN Gaza report.” Flight or […]

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‘In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews whistleblower and researcher Richard Grove of TragedyandHope.com. Richard describes how the TPP really comes from the agenda of secret societies.’

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Months after the Saudi government pledged to single-handedly meet the United Nations’ (UN) “flash appeal” for humanitarian aid to Yemen, Riyadh is making it clear that the donation doesn’t come without strings attached. On April 12, as the Saudi-led air campaign rained bombs over Yemen, the UN issued an emergency flash appeal calling for $274 […]

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  ‘The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has urged Saudi Arabia to lift its blockade on Yemen. The UNSC released a unanimous statement on Thursday, stressing that ships carrying food, fuel and other vital supplies must be permitted to enter ports in Yemen which is on the brink of famine. The 15-member council said in […]

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‘Do you remember when Detroit when bankrupt and President Obama refused to intervene in order to help Americans in a beleaguered American city? This was both baffling and maddening to the American people. After all, this “hope and change” President promised to fundamentally transform America. Little did we realize that the Detroit bankruptcy would open […]

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‘Israel is allegedly pulling diplomatic strings to pressurize the UN Secretary-General to exclude it from an annual list of countries accused of violating children’s rights in armed conflicts. Israel denies the allegations. Despite the slaughter […]