A Warning On Wall Street’s Insane War Against Russia

Led by the non-stop activity of its New York City teams, the movement of Lyndon LaRouche and the the Schiller Institute are advancing on the goals of bringing down Wall Street and pushing the United States into a new economic alliance with the BRICS nations. “We’ve got the tiger by the tail: keep swinging!” said Helga Zepp-LaRouche, after keynoting the exceptional New York City conference of the Schiller Institute Jan. 17, which brought Martin Luther King’s life purpose together with that of economic development and peace today.

The principle to be restored in doing this is the credit principle of the United States’ first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, a principle of real economic growth which is diametrically opposed to the way Wall Street and London have ruined the economies of the United States and Europe. With a leaflet, “Alexander Hamilton’s Credit Principle,” LaRouche’s movement will hit Wall Street and New York again this week to follow through on the Jan. 17 breakout event in New York, “BRICS Nations Revive Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dream.”

But because of the bankruptcy of Wall Street and the City of London, they continue to drive for war against Russia and China: provocations against Russia in Eastern Europe, war again raging in Ukraine, sanctions and financial warfare overtly aimed at bringing down the Putin government.

EIR Founding Editor LaRouche had a firm message on this today, which must be understood.

“If the United States launches attacks on Russia,” LaRouche said, “then Russian weapons will hit the United States before it knows what has happened. If you represent Wall Street, if you participate in its policies, then you’re already dead if the United States goes to war with Russia.”

The Wall Street and London banks are reeling, showing all signs of another oncoming, well-deserved breakdown. The Wall Street megabanks are on the hook for the “shale oil bubble” now undergoing collapse, and exposed to it by $20 trillion in derivatives contracts now going bad. They’ve just reported their worst earnings since the Great Depression and laid off 50,000 employees. The European megabanks, under City of London’s dictate, are so bankrupt they are desperate to get a $1-2 trillion bailout from the European Central Bank started this week; and were just shocked by big losses when Switzerland cut its ties with the sinking euro currency. As one Wall Street Journal writer expressed it Monday,

“the Davos conference is opening with the world on the edge of a nervous breakdown.”

That is, the world of Wall Street.

It is this desperate City of London/Wall Street regime which threatens war — even global thermonuclear war — thinking to save itself by the capitulation of just those nations whose policies threaten it with a new order: China and Russia in particular; the BRICS-allied nations generally.

LaRouche’s warning is directed precisely at that insane delusion of a collapsing Wall Street order.

The Schiller Institute’s petition calling for the United States and Europe to join with the BRICS nations, is crucial in this situation.


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