ARMS TO AL-QAEDA: U.S. Generals Admit Washington Has Backed Islamic Militants in Syria

‘In addition to al Qaeda, AQIM, and AQAP, this story also connects the CIA and all relevant political players, including Hillary Clinton and John McCain, directly to ISIS, or the ‘Islamic State’, currently terrorizing Iraq and Syria. The CIA worked through a series of ‘cut-outs’ based in Qatar and in other locations in the Middle East (see full report below).

If you believe all of the pre-packaged government and corporate media propaganda, then you might think that ISIS is just another evil, grassroots Salafist militant movement, one with no connections at all to foreign intelligence agencies like the CIA, Britain’s MI6, Turkish (NATO) intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Israeli intelligence, or Pakistan’s ISI.

Well, you might just be wrong…’

Read more: ARMS TO AL-QAEDA: U.S. Generals Admit Washington Has Backed Islamic Militants in Syria

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