Audit the Fed Cosponsors – 1/14/15

Has your representative cosponsored Rep. Thomas Massie’s H.R. 24, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015?

Since its introduction last Tuesday with 63 original cosponsors, 20 additional cosponsors have signed on to support the legislation.

Despite passing the House in 2012 and 2014, Audit the Fed had to be refiled in the 114th Congress after Harry Reid refused to bring the legislation up for a vote in the Senate.

With a new GOP Senate majority, Senator Mitch McConnell’s staff has already told the Washington Times this legislation will come to the floor for a vote — now it’s up to you and I to make sure it has the votes to pass both Chambers and find its way to the President’s desk.

The first step toward getting another vote in the House is to continue building support by having your representative cosponsor H.R. 24.

Check below to see if your representative has cosponsored, and if not contact him or her today and urge them to cosponsor Rep. Thomas Massie’s H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015, or Audit the Fed as it’s known.

Cosponsor Date Cosponsored
Rep. Amash, Justin * 01/06/2015
Rep. Amodei, Mark E. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Benishek, Dan * 01/06/2015
Rep. Black, Diane * 01/06/2015
Rep. Blackburn, Marsha * 01/06/2015
Rep. Blum, Rod * 01/06/2015
Rep. Boustany, Charles W., Jr. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Brat, Dave 01/08/2015
Rep. Brooks, Mo * 01/06/2015
Rep. Burgess, Michael C. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Chabot, Steve * 01/06/2015
Rep. Clawson, Curt * 01/06/2015
Rep. Cole, Tom * 01/06/2015
Rep. Collins, Chris * 01/06/2015
Rep. Collins, Doug * 01/06/2015
Rep. Cook, Paul 01/13/2015
Rep. Cramer, Kevin * 01/06/2015
Rep. Culberson, John Abney * 01/06/2015
Rep. Denham, Jeff * 01/06/2015
Rep. DeSantis, Ron * 01/06/2015
Rep. Duncan, Jeff * 01/06/2015
Rep. Duncan, John J., Jr. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Ellmers, Renee L. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Emmer, Tom 01/08/2015
Rep. Farenthold, Blake * 01/06/2015
Rep. Fleischmann, Charles J. “Chuck” * 01/06/2015
Rep. Fortenberry, Jeff * 01/06/2015
Rep. Garrett, Scott * 01/06/2015
Rep. Gibbs, Bob * 01/06/2015
Rep. Gibson, Christopher P. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Gohmert, Louie * 01/06/2015
Rep. Goodlatte, Bob * 01/06/2015
Rep. Gosar, Paul A. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Graves, Tom 01/08/2015
Rep. Grayson, Alan * 01/06/2015
Rep. Green, Gene * 01/06/2015
Rep. Griffith, H. Morgan * 01/06/2015
Rep. Guthrie, Brett * 01/06/2015
Rep. Hardy, Cresent 01/13/2015
Rep. Harper, Gregg * 01/06/2015
Rep. Harris, Andy 01/08/2015
Rep. Heck, Joseph J. 01/13/2015
Rep. Huelskamp, Tim * 01/06/2015
Rep. Hurt, Robert 01/13/2015
Rep. Jolly, David W. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. * 01/06/2015
Rep. LaMalfa, Doug * 01/06/2015
Rep. Lance, Leonard * 01/06/2015
Rep. Latta, Robert E. 01/08/2015
Rep. Lipinski, Daniel 01/13/2015
Rep. LoBiondo, Frank A. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Long, Billy 01/13/2015
Rep. Lummis, Cynthia M. 01/08/2015
Rep. McClintock, Tom * 01/06/2015
Rep. Meadows, Mark * 01/06/2015
Rep. Mooney, Alexander X. 01/08/2015
Rep. Mullin, Markwayne 01/13/2015
Rep. Mulvaney, Mick * 01/06/2015
Rep. Neugebauer, Randy * 01/06/2015
Rep. Nugent, Richard B. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Palazzo, Steven M. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Pearce, Stevan * 01/06/2015
Rep. Pittenger, Robert 01/13/2015
Rep. Posey, Bill * 01/06/2015
Rep. Ribble, Reid J. 01/08/2015
Rep. Roe, David P. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Rogers, Mike D. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Rohrabacher, Dana * 01/06/2015
Rep. Rothfus, Keith J. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Salmon, Matt * 01/06/2015
Rep. Sanford, Mark 01/08/2015
Rep. Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Smith, Adrian 01/13/2015
Rep. Smith, Lamar 01/08/2015
Rep. Stutzman, Marlin A. 01/08/2015
Rep. Thompson, Glenn * 01/06/2015
Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Tipton, Scott R. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Walberg, Tim * 01/06/2015
Rep. Weber, Randy K. Sr. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Westmoreland, Lynn A. * 01/06/2015
Rep. Womack, Steve * 01/06/2015
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. * 01/06/2015


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