Canada Leaps into the Empire of Chaos

‘Canada has always been a part of U.S. imperial ambitions, in spite of our pretensions otherwise. Locked in as we are to the U.S. economy and our dollar only relevant in comparison to the US$, up until the Harper regime Canada was able to maintain that pretense. Our NATO political alignment, the NAFTA trade agreement, the North American Aerospace Defence Command – formerly NORAD – are a few big ticket acronyms that have kept us united and generally subordinated.

After achieving majority power in the last election, the Harper neoConservatives have been open advocates for causes that support U.S. imperial interests. That is not surprising when the history and roots of the Reform Party – Alliance Party – born again Conservative party – is examined. The strong attachments that the neoCons have to the U.S. Republican party has been well covered recently. The neoCons share the Republican’s fundamentalist, right wing ‘might is right’, less government, corporate power agenda – and the electoral methodologies used to gain and stay in power.’

Read more: Canada Leaps into the Empire of Chaos

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