Caving on ObamaCare

Wyoming’s Republican legislators are caving on ObamaCare expansion and I need your help TODAY to stop it!

Governor Mead is pressuring Republicans in the legislature to adopt his own dangerous expansion scheme, and they’ve even introduced SF0066 – their own “alternative” plan.

Don’t let them fool you.

Medicaid expansion by ANY name is still ObamaCare.

It’s imperative you call your State Representative at 307-777-7852 and State Senator at 307-777-7711 right away and demand they stop compromising on ObamaCare expansion.

By now, you’ve probably seen the proof of what bureaucrats and the politicians that pay them think of citizens like you and me.

Of course, I’m referring to the recently discovered videos of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber calling Americans stupid.

Not once:

“The American people are too stupid to understand. . .”

Not twice:

“Call it the stupidity of the American voter. . .”

But more than THREE times:

“It’s a very clever. . .exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter. . .”

And as time has marched on, even more attacks on your intelligence have come to the surface, as perceived by ObamaCare’s chief salesman.

Gruber has been paid millions in taxpayer dollars at the national level and in states across the country.

And the truth is, many politicians love Gruber because many politicians agree with him.

Republicans have campaigned on their opposition to ObamaCare in every election since it passed.

And now that they’re safely in office, they think they can implement ObamaCare under a fake name, and we’ll be too stupid to understand what they’re doing.

That’s why it’s vital you call your State Representative at 307-777-7852 and State Senator at 307-777-7711 right away and demand they stop compromising on ObamaCare expansion.

Tell them a vote for Medicaid expansion IS a vote for ObamaCare.

If Wyoming legislators work with Governor Mead and pass ObamaCare expansion, you’ll be shackled with higher taxes, less freedom, more fraud, and lower quality medical care.

You see, ObamaCare called for states to expand their Medicaid entitlements to include young, able-bodied individuals who earn less than 138% of the poverty level.

And the Obama Administration “promises” they will pay 100% of the cost. . .for a year or two.

But Obama also promised you could keep your health insurance, your doctor, and even your hospital if you liked them – but those were lies.

Millions of Americans lost access to those things when ObamaCare was officially unleashed.

Even if Obama decides to keep his promise to pay for the expansion for a year or two, YOU are still footing the bill.

The truth is, Governor Mead and the state legislature are so determined to get all that “free” federal money, they’re completely ignoring the fact that expanding Medicaid will severely increase the costs paid by Wyoming taxpayers.

It’s critical you call your State Representative at 307-777-7852 and State Senator at 307-777-7711 TODAY and tell them you don’t want ObamaCare expansion under any name.

This destructive boondoggle will cause irreparable harm to Wyoming health care and taxpayers like you and me.

You’ll be forced to jump through President Obama’s hoops and health care will be rationed – everything will be doled out by Obama’s bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.

Medicaid cost taxpayers half-a-trillion dollars a year before states started expanding the program.

Aside from the costs and poor quality of Medicaid, the system is rampant with fraud and abuse.

And the more Medicaid expands, the worse it’s going to get.

In fact, ObamaCare expansion is estimated to cost taxpayers $60 billion per year in fraud alone.

Even to the big-spenders in Washington, that’s a significant amount of money.

And if Wyoming accepts the expansion, it will soon be required to start paying a large portion of the bill.

That means more money coming out of your pocket for big government.

But in reality, higher taxes and out-of-control spending could be the least of your worries.

This scheme could mean the death of private health care in America

And if Wyoming participates, it’ll be that much harder to get rid of ObamaCare for good.

It’s vitally important you call your State Representative at 307-777-7852 and State Senator at 307-777-7711 right away and tell them not to be stupid.

Demand they stop compromising on ObamaCare expansion.

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