Cue violins, dim the lights … get a room, guys – the Cameron-Obama Washington love-in

‘As David Cameron last night ended his madly frenetic, 32-hour visit to the capital of the Western world the words of Barack Obama must have echoed in his pinkening ear drums. In front of a watching world – or at least that part of it which watches rolling news channels – the US President gave his younger visitor the geo-diplomatic equivalent of a smacker on both cheeks.

He called him ‘a great friend, one of my closest and most trusted partners in the world – we see the world in the same way’.

We know the President calls Mr Cameron ‘bro’ but this was getting into bromance territory. Cue the violins, soften the focus, dim the lights. Get a room, guys!’

Read more: Cue violins, dim the lights … get a room, guys – the Cameron-Obama Washington love-in

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