Governor Haslam FOR ObamaCare?

Tennessee became known as the Volunteer State because its people were willing to fight against big government statists to defend liberty at all costs.

Now we need you to fight against Tennessee’s big government Governor Bill Haslam and his statist friends.

You see, Governor Haslam and some Tennessee state legislators are seriously considering passing ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion this year.

And they’re trying to fool you into thinking it will be a special “Tennessee solution.”

We’ve seen this very thing in states like Arkansas, where so-called “conservatives” throw in a rule or two and then call it a “private option.”

Don’t be fooled!

Medicaid expansion by any name is still ObamaCare!

It’s imperative we thwart Governor Haslam’s scheme to implement ObamaCare expansion.

That’s why Tennessee Campaign for Liberty is helping to organize a peaceful protest against Governor Haslam’s ObamaCare plans.

It’s critically important opponents to Governor Haslam’s scheme show up in large numbers. Will you volunteer to join us?

Will you stand with other conservatives and liberty-minded people to fight against ObamaCare expansion in Tennessee?

The event will take place on February 3, 2015, at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, at 9 a.m.

The address is 600 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243.

Also, be sure to sign the “Stop ObamaCare in Tennessee” petition.

We’ll deliver your signed petitions at the event.

Tennessee Republicans have campaigned on their opposition to ObamaCare in every election since it passed.

Were some of those Republicans – led by Governor Haslam – simply using their so-called “anti-ObamaCare positions” to win their elections?

Are you as tired as I am of politicians that say one thing during election season but do the exact opposite after the election is over?

If so, you must take action against Governor Haslam’s scheme to unleash ObamaCare on our state.

Higher taxes, less freedom, more fraud, and lower quality medical care for millions… That’s what will happen if Tennessee expands Medicaid.

If our state accepts this rotten scheme, our Medicaid obligations could double by the year 2018.

This would be a disaster for our state’s fragile economy.

But ObamaCare apologists keep pushing Governor Haslam to take all that “free” federal money and expand Medicaid.

Just because the federal government is pumping out the dollars does not mean this money is “free.”

This scheme will cost us billions by creating a new permanent dependency class, and they’ll either have to cut billions in spending or raise your taxes to pay for it.

But if Governor Haslam takes the Medicaid expansion deal, higher taxes could be the least of your worries.

This scheme could mean the death of private health care in America.

But there’s good news – YOU have an opportunity to stop it.

Sign the “Stop ObamaCare in Tennessee” petition, and then attend the rally on February 3, 2015, at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, at 9 a.m.

It’s critical we stop Governor Haslam from implementing Medicaid expansion.

You see, ObamaCare is designed to completely destroy private sector competition and force all Americans into a government-run system.

And Medicaid expansion is a key step toward that end.

Medicaid already cost taxpayers half-a-trillion dollars a year before states started expanding the program.  Imagine how much that number will skyrocket once one in four Americans become eligible!

Aside from the costs and poor quality of Medicaid, the system is rampant with fraud and abuse.

And the more Medicaid expands, the worse it’s going to get.

In fact, ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion is estimated to cost taxpayers $60 billion per year in fraud alone.

Tennessee simply cannot afford this budget-busting burden.

Sign the “Stop ObamaCare in Tennessee” petition, and then attend the rally on February 3, 2015, at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, at 9 a.m.

The address is 600 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, TN 37243.

Time is running short to stop this disaster from happening.  Please commit to take action today.

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