Human Rights Abuses and the Funding of Terrorism: Britain’s Relationship With Saudi Arabia Is a Disgrace

‘In the wake of the heinous massacre that took place in Paris last week, and with Raif Badawi in Saudi Arabia having just received 50 lashes out of the 1000 he’s been sentenced to for the crime of setting up a blog deemed ‘insulting to Islam’, Britain’s ongoing relationship with this vile regime is an insult to the very words ‘decency’ and ‘democracy’.

Indeed, has there ever been a more vile regime than the gang of bloated potentates that rules over Saudi Arabia? Responsible for fomenting chaos and carnage beyond their own borders, while at home brutalising their own people, surely it is time for the international community to turn its attention to the Saudis and their utter and complete disregard for anything resembling human rights.

The scale of the brutality and barbarism that is a regular occurrence in this oil-rich kingdom is reflected in the number of public executions by beheading that are carried out there. According to a report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), 19 people were beheaded in Saudi Arabia in the first half of August last year alone. Of those executed eight were found guilty of non-violent offences, while a further seven were found guilty of drug smuggling. One victim was executed for sorcery, whatever that means.’

Read more: Human Rights Abuses and the Funding of Terrorism: Britain’s Relationship With Saudi Arabia Is a Disgrace

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