LaRouche’s Four Laws and Bankruptcy of Trans-Atlantic System Featured in Russian Zavtra

Thursday’s issue of the Russian weekly Zavtra features an article under the byline of EIR’s Paul Gallagher, headlined “Wall Street Cannibals: Financial Speculation Lays the Pathway to War.” The article is illustrated by EIR‘s updated chart of derivatives aggregates surpassing $2 quadrillion in 2014, and is introduced with the following editorial note:

“The interrelated collapses of world oil prices and the ruble’s exchange rate might give the impression that only in Russia is everything bad, or at least worse than in Europe, not to mention the USA. But, is that really the case? This article by an analyst from Executive Intelligence Review, founded by the well-known American politician and economist Lyndon LaRouche, discusses certain fundamental negative processes, which cast doubt on the contemporary Western economy as a whole and the American economy in particular, above all on the pyramid of debt obligations, now exceeding $2 quadrillion.”

The article itself combines a recent LaRouche PAC release on the bankruptcy of Wall Street and the City of London as the driver behind the war danger, material from Gallagher’s Jan. 2 EIR article “Oil Prices, Derivatives Light Fuse on Wall Street Time Bomb,” and several subsequent EIR shorts publicized via LaRouche PAC. It concludes with a restatement of LaRouche’s June 2014 “Four New Laws to Save the USA Now.” Together with Zavtra’s year-end front-page feature, “LaRouche Says What Russia Should Do,” outlining the need for exchange controls, followed by full-fledged Hamiltonian economics, this article has triggered a flood of repostings and discussion in Russian social media, as well as an upturn in visits to the LaRouche movement’s Russian-language website,

SEE “LaRouche’s Four Laws”

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