Last Monday: French President Hollande Announced Anti-Russian Sanctions “Must End”; Wednesday: All-Purpose Al Qaeda/ISIS Terror Cell Already Under Surveillance by French Police Started Three-Day Terror Spree in Paris; NATO-Backed Geopolitical Motives Suspected; All Eyes on Hollande’s Role at Astana Conference on Ukraine; Greece Heads for Syriza Government After Jan. 25 Vote; Beware Wrecking Potential of Theodorakis’ River Party (To Potami); Anel Anti-Austerity Conservatives Emerge as Possible Coalition Partner for Syriza; Need Support Actions for Rev. Pinkney in Advance of Jan. 15 Sentencing

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. – World Crisis Radio January 10, 2015

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French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (photo) has told the Paris daily Le Figaro that the terror cell seen in action this week had been the “object of surveillance” by police in the time just before the Jan. 5 attack on the […]

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