Leaked documents show Ukip leaders approve NHS privatisation once it becomes more ‘acceptable to the electorate’

‘Secret documents leaked from a Ukip executive meeting appear to suggest that a government under Nigel Farage would consider plans to privatise the NHS and use current policies as a stepping stone to more “radical” change.

Mr Farage has repeatedly denied that Ukip would seek to privatise Britain’s health service if the party got into power, refusing to go further than telling the BBC’s Nick Robinson that “we are going to have to find ways” to deal with caring for a growing, aging population.

But videos have emerged showing the Ukip leader advocating an insurance-based system in the past, and according to Political Scrapbook newly-leaked documents show the party’s ruling committee unanimously approving a pro-privatisation policy at a meeting in October 2012.’

Read more: Leaked documents show Ukip leaders approve NHS privatisation once it becomes more 'acceptable to the electorate'

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