Liberty GB Chairman Paul Weston: Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace


Paul Weston explains why fundamentalist Muslims have been at war with each other and with non-Muslims for centuries. He also explains why widespread rape and so-called “marriage” of prepubescent and underage girls persists along with honor killings. Weston also brings up the systemic rapes of underage girls that continued for years in Rotherham, England. He compares politicians’ denial to George Orwell’s 1984. Weston debunks the narrative that recent violent acts have nothing to do with Islam. Having witnessed first-hand the reality that is fundamentalist Islam, I can attest that everything he says is true.

Peace-loving Muslims do not follow the rules and they are technically apostates and heretics. I do not deny peace-loving Muslims exist. On the contrary, I was married to a secular non-practicing Muslim who was indeed peace-loving, but neither of us had any illusions that fundamentalist Islam is anything but a bellicose, supremacist, female-hostile, non-Muslim-hositle, non-my-paricular-Islamlic-sect-hostile ideology.

A note on Weston: During his campaign, he was arrested for not having obtained advance permission to give a public speech, after a member of the public reported him while he was reading a passage from a book by Winston Churchill that criticized Islam (he did not mention he was quoting Churchill who had used the word Mohammedanism). At the police station he was rearrested and detained on suspicion of racial harassment, which makes no sense, because Islam has nothing to do with race. In this world of topseyturveydome Weston has been called a racist, yet one rarely hears fundamentalist Islamists called sexist, and they are in the most extreme and disordered sense of the word. Eventually Weston revealed the words were Churchill’s.

See also: “Unveiled Threat: A Personal Experience of Fundamentalist Islam and the Roots of Terrorism

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