ObamaCare expansion vote TODAY, January 29

ObamaCare expansion passed through its Senate committee with no warning, and it is expected to go to the full Senate for a vote TODAY.

It’s critical you contact your state senator IMMEDIATELY and demand he or she vote NO on the governor’s budget and dangerous ObamaCare expansion “task force” scheme.

Governor Hutchinson caved on ObamaCare expansion, and your state senator might be the deciding vote on this critical issue.

The governor wants to “phase out” Arkansas’ current ObamaCare expansion and “replace” it with expansion under a different name.

One bill expected to reach the floor will create a “task force” that will explore a NEW Medicaid expansion option, and the renewal is buried in the budget.

You and I both know that Medicaid expansion by any name is still ObamaCare.

There is still time to end ObamaCare expansion in Arkansas, but you MUST take action now.

It’s critically important you contact your state senator RIGHT NOW and demand he or she vote NO on the governor’s budget and dangerous ObamaCare expansion “task force” scheme.

If the Arkansas Senate capitulates on the governor’s scheme, the private option will be extended, “tweaked,” and continued under a new name.

If that happens, ObamaCare expansion will remain in Arkansas for a long time to come.

We only need 9 votes to kill this bill.

And your state senator could be the deciding vote.

Ever since this boondoggle passed last year – after unprecedented arm-twisting and backroom deals – details have been trickling out about its true costs.

It was claimed ObamaCare expansion would be “budget-neutral.”

But that was a sham.

Now they’re admitting the cost will be at least $4,778,000,000.00 OVER the next 3 years.

And then the costs could increase even more!

You see, if Arkansas continues ObamaCare expansion under any name, the state will soon be required to start footing the bill for hundreds of millions of dollars taxpayers don’t have.

Your taxes will have to be increased to pay for it.

That means more money coming out of your pocket for big government.

Why would Arkansas want to continue piling even more debt on top of its citizens by continuing and “tweaking” this failed scheme?

Legislators are even playing a shell game with multiple pieces of legislation and burying it in the budget, hoping we won’t figure out their scheme.

That’s why we need to let them know we are on to their game.

It’s CRUCIAL you contact your state senator RIGHT NOW and demand he or she vote NO on the governor’s budget and dangerous ObamaCare expansion “task force” scheme.

The truth is if Governor Hutchinson and the Arkansas legislature renew Medicaid expansion, higher taxes, and out-of-control spending could be the least of your worries.

This scheme could mean the death of private health care in America.

ObamaCare is designed to completely destroy private sector competition and force all Americans onto a government-run system.

And Governor Hutchinson’s so-called “compromise” is no compromise at all.

You see, the federal government is not a well-meaning, charitable figure – everything comes with strings attached, and Arkansas will still be forced to jump through the federal government’s hoops.

ObamaCare expansion requires that states cede large amounts of their authority over health care decisions to the feds.

And access to Medicaid does not even guarantee access to medical care.

An increasing number of doctors – tired of dealing with the bureaucracy and its low reimbursement rates – are refusing to treat Medicaid patients, and the number is growing daily.

In fact, in some states, 31% of doctors have refused to participate in the program.

This has to be stopped.

It’s critical you contact your state senator IMMEDIATELY and demand he or she vote NO on the governor’s budget and dangerous ObamaCare expansion “task force” scheme.

Time is running short to stop this disaster from happening.  Please take action today.

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