OUTLOOK 2015 – Uncertainty, Volatility, Possible Reset, Diversify!

OUTLOOK 2015 – Uncertainty, Volatility, Possible Reset, Diversify!

  • Introduction
  • Gold – Positives and Negatives
  • Ultra Loose Monetary Policies Globally
  • Risk of Bail-Ins in 2015 and Beyond
  • Currency and Gold Wars
  • Eurozone Debt Crisis Again – ‘Grexit’ and ‘PIIGS’
  • Global Debt Crisis II – Total Global Debt to GDP Ratio Over 300%
  • $1 Quadrillion “Weapons of Mass Destruction” Derivatives
  • Cold War II and New World Order as China and Russia Flex Geopolitical Muscles
  • Enter The Dragon – Paradigm Shift of China Gold Demand
  • 2015 Gold Demand in China and India Should Equal 2013 and 2014
  • Forecast 2015: None. Forecast 2020: Gold $2,500/oz and Silver $150/oz
  • Long Term (2015-2020) MSGM Fundamentals
  • Gold – Research Shows Is Proven Hedging Instrument and Safe Haven
  • Conclusion

2015 is upon us and the turbulence has already begun.

2014 was another year of an uneasy calm interrupted by sudden bouts of abrupt market volatility. We were surprised how risk appetite remained so high despite emerging and a high level of risk especially from the geopolitical sphere. These we covered in our Review of 2014.


This irrationally exuberant, risk appetite may continue in 2015 but we suspect that it is as likely to come to a shuddering halt with renewed volatility on global financial markets….

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