Saudis Stay in Spotlight

The role of Saudi Arabia, and implicitly London, in funding international terrorism, continues to remain in the international media spotlight.

We will relate here several of the most recent echoes of our efforts to place Saudi Arabia and the British Empire under the international microscope for their role, over decades, of continuing to be the main sponsors of international terrorism.

The world has a right to know the role of Saudi Arabia in funding terrorism….
— Terry Strada • Jan. 19, 2015CNN International

Terry Strada spoke to CNN International on January 19th, where she said “Yes, Saudi Arabia funds terrorism.”

Senator Bill Nelson spoke to reporters about Saudi duplicity, and he said: “[the saudis] allowed… the incubation and hatching of these radical terrorists.”

Even the right-wing Marine Le Pen in France got it right for once, when she said on her January 18 op-ed in the New York Times, that:

“…alliances formed with rentier states that finance jihadist fighters, like Qatar and Saudi Arabia—all are mistakes that have plunged France into serious geopolitical incoherence.


We at LaRouchePAC are demanding the release of the suppressed 28 Pages of the Joint Inquiry Report, and mobilizing the political support for H.Res 14, which deals with the same. Walter Jones, one of the co-sponsors of H.Res 14, delivered prepared remarks to the Schiller Institute conference, to urge your support for the legislation.

Walter Jones on H.Res 14

At the January 17th Schiller Institute conference in New York, Jeffrey Steinberg, an editor of Executive Intelligence Review, discussed the history of this international support for terrorism in great detail. The title of his presentation was: “A Time to Break the Silence: Reversing the Illegal Use of Secrecy from the Assassinations of MLK, RFK, and JFK to the Suppression of Sen. Graham’s 28 Pages,” and the transcript is below.

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