Ukip Election Candidate Wants To Ban Benefit Claimants From Driving

‘A Ukip general election candidate has come under attack over a leaflet which suggests benefit claimants should be banned from driving.

Cllr Lynton Yates, member of Leicestershire County Council and the party’s parliamentary candidate for the local seat of Charnwood, made the controversial call as part of an attack on the controversial High Speed Rail 2 project, which he branded a “complete waste of money”.

“We could likely remove 6 million cars from the road if benefit claimants were not driving,” he goes on to say.

“Why do they have the privilege to spend the taxpayers hard earned money on a car, when those in work are struggling to keep their own car on the road? These people could really catch a bus!”‘

Read more: Ukip Election Candidate Wants To Ban Benefit Claimants From Driving

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