Blind, deaf and in a wheelchair: Eight-year-old Ava told to claim benefits in Germany

‘Ava Jolliffe, who lives in Barton, near Preston in Lancashire, is profoundly deaf, certified blind and has to use a wheelchair.

She requires constant care but the Government has told her she is not entitled to the care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – because her father Graham Jolliffe works in Germany.

Her father pays the equivalent of National Insurance in Germany, meaning her family have been told by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) that they should be claiming help from authorities over there.

The family say they were initially told the allowance had been stopped because Ava’s disability did not meet the conditions.’

Read more: Blind, deaf and in a wheelchair: Eight-year-old Ava told to claim benefits in Germany

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