Coup Plot in Venezuela Thwarted: Plotters Paid in US Dollars Planned on Assassinating the President and Installing a De Facto Government

‘This story was completely blacked-out in the US media, and it’s no wonder why.

Last week an attempted coup d’é·tat took place in Venezuela. It is the third failed US-backed coup attempt in the last 25 years.

It was the latest episode of Washington’s war on democracy in South America. TeleSUR provided detailed coverage of a US-backed power grab which was reminiscent of the CIA’s gilded age of southern hemisphere nation-wrecking in the 1970′s. The ouster attempt saw key opposition fascist-oriented figures took advantage of plunging oil prices and used student street protests as cover for the attempted coup which was foiled by the Maduro government.’

Read more: Coup Plot in Venezuela Thwarted: Plotters Paid in US Dollars Planned on Assassinating the President and Installing a De Facto Government

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