Coup Plot in Venezuela Thwarted: Plotters Paid in US Dollars Planned on Assassinating the President and Installing a De Facto Government

‘A coup plot against the Venezuelan government has been foiled, with both civilians and members of the military detained, President Nicolas Maduro revealed Thursday, Feb. 12, in a televised address.

Those involved were being paid in U.S. dollars, and one of the suspects had been granted a visa to enter the United States should the plot fail, Maduro said.

Venezuela’s president stated that the coup plotters already had a “transitional” government and program lined up once the plan, which included bombings on the Miraflores Palace and the teleSUR offices in Caracas, as well as assassinations of members of the opposition, Maduro and others, was carried out.’

Read more: Coup Plot in Venezuela Thwarted: Plotters Paid in US Dollars Planned on Assassinating the President and Installing a De Facto Government

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