Double Victory!

Not only was your voice heard once – it was heard twice in opposition to ObamaCare expansion in Wyoming!

Today, the Wyoming House soundly defeated Amendment 3031 of the General Appropriations bill (HB0001), which puts the final nail in the coffin for Medicaid expansion (for this year at least).

The actual Medicaid expansion bill was defeated a couple weeks ago due to your phone calls, petitions, and emails.

But Representative Dan Zwonitzer tried to resuscitate ObamaCare expansion by introducing Amendment 3031 to the supplemental budget bill.

The Zwonitzer amendment would have implemented an unaffordable, OPTIONAL piece of ObamaCare – a law that is driving up costs and destroying America’s health care system.

But Wyoming Campaign for Liberty patriots like you refused to give up or allow this reckless scheme to succeed.

THANK YOU for standing strong against these attempts to implement ObamaCare expansion in Wyoming!

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