Epic fail! US diplomats find they can’t control the narrative on social media

‘RT bashing is a fashion among the American elite right now. From Victoria Nuland to John Kerry, few are missing their chance to participate. When a minor official from the US’ Moscow embassy decided to join in, it blew up in his face.

Will Stevens is probably a decent skin. His Twitter bio emphasizes that he’s a dad and husband before his role as spokesman for the US Embassy in Moscow. That’s a nice touch. Indeed, Will might be a fan of Roosevelt, or maybe not. One way or another, he’d do well to take some of Teddy’s wisdom on board.

Diplomacy is a delicate art. Usually, an emissary’s mission is to defend the reputation of their homeland and promote its policies, without offending the locals. Now, Will is not an ambassador; he’s a press officer. Even so, taking groundless pops at Russian institutions is probably not the smartest thing a man in his position could do.’

Read more: Epic fail! US diplomats find they can’t control the narrative on social media

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