LRC’s 10 Best-Read Articles for January 2015

1. I Will Never Vaccinate My Child

Bill Sardi explains the plain and awful facts.

2, Civil Unrest Ahead

Are you ready? Article by Ron Paul.

3. American Liar

Why Jesse Ventura is likely to collect millions in the sorry saga of the sniper.

4. Are You ODD?

Shrinks concoct a new “disease” to stigmatize people like us.

5. 7 Big Lies

American Sniper is telling whoppers about Chris Kyle’s character, and the backlash is growing.

6. The Swiss Central Bank’s Move

And the bloodbaths ahead. Article by Robert Wenzel.

7. The Hilarious Racism of Al Sharpton

Walter Williams wonders why it’s considered OK.

8. Is Your Doctor Pushing You To Get a Colonoscopy?

6 reasons to think twice.

9. 5 Rules for Successful Speeding

Eric Peters on running under the radar.

10.The Alliance of Bastards

Gary North on the welfare state and population control.

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