Paul Gallagher on Greece and Turning Wall Street’s Unpayable Debts into Credit for the Real Economy

EIR’s Paul Gallagher is a guest on LPAC’s weekly Activist Call with John Ascher and elaborates on how to reorganize the deadly and unpayable debts of Wall Street and the City of London into credit for the real economy.

EIR‘s Paul Gallagher was the guest on LPAC’s weekly Activist Call with John Ascher, elaborating on how the newly elected government of Greece is now in a position to reorganize the deadly and unpayable debts of Wall Street and the City of London into credit for the real economy. Gallagher was joined by Dean Andromidas who has traveled to Greece for the last three years, representing the LaRouche movement’s reconstruction proposal for Greece and the entire Mediterranean region, beginning with a Glass-Stegall reorganization of the transatlantic financial sector and tying existing debts to long-term infrastructure projects that can guarantee a return on investments and raise the overall economic potential of the region.

Hear Dean Andromidas’ interview HERE.

For further background, see Gallagher and Andromidas’ “A GREEK PROPOSAL: Convene a European Debt Conference for 2015”, published earlier this month in EIR magazine.

For more information on how to participate in the weekly LaRouchePAC Activist Call, visit our Action Center here.

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