Pharma-connected vaccine pushers chemically abuse children in push for medical tyranny

‘He’s a cute little guy who just wants everyone to get vaccinated so he doesn’t have to worry about contracting measles while undergoing chemotherapy treatments for leukemia — or at least that’s what his opportunistic parents told him to say recently in front of the Reed Union School Board of Trustees in California in an effort to eliminate vaccine exemptions for personal and religious reasons.

Seven-year-old Rhett Krawitt is adorable in every sense of the word, no doubt. But the way his parents are currently exploiting his condition to advocate for eliminating parental rights and medical choice in California is a textbook example of propaganda that appeals to emotion. If enough people see the young boy on national news and think, “Those evil anti-vaxxers! Let’s go out right now and get the MMR vaccine, as a family,” then the propagandists have won…

… Rhett obviously didn’t write any of this and was more than likely coached by his parents on how to be insufferably cute while pushing people to get vaccinated. And why wouldn’t they? Rhett’s grandfather, Dr. Edward Krawitt, is a medical doctor in Vermont and paid consultant to drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).’

Read more: Pharma-connected vaccine pushers chemically abuse children in push for medical tyranny

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Pharma-connected vaccine pushers chemically abuse children in push for medical tyranny

‘He’s a cute little guy who just wants everyone to get vaccinated so he doesn’t have to worry about contracting measles while undergoing chemotherapy treatments for leukemia — or at least that’s what his opportunistic parents told him to say recently in front of the Reed Union School Board of Trustees in California in an effort to eliminate vaccine exemptions for personal and religious reasons.

Seven-year-old Rhett Krawitt is adorable in every sense of the word, no doubt. But the way his parents are currently exploiting his condition to advocate for eliminating parental rights and medical choice in California is a textbook example of propaganda that appeals to emotion. If enough people see the young boy on national news and think, “Those evil anti-vaxxers! Let’s go out right now and get the MMR vaccine, as a family,” then the propagandists have won…

… Rhett obviously didn’t write any of this and was more than likely coached by his parents on how to be insufferably cute while pushing people to get vaccinated. And why wouldn’t they? Rhett’s grandfather, Dr. Edward Krawitt, is a medical doctor in Vermont and paid consultant to drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).’

Read more: Pharma-connected vaccine pushers chemically abuse children in push for medical tyranny

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