PricewaterhouseCoopers condemned for giving misleading evidence to Parliament and ‘promoting tax avoidance on an industrial scale’

‘The accountancy giant PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is promoting tax avoidance by multinational firms “on an industrial scale,” MPs said in a damning report published today.

PwC, which has close links to the Conservatives, Labour and the Treasury, was accused by the MPs of misleading them about the way it has helped hundreds of firms avoid millions in tax by shifting profits from other countries to low-tax Luxembourg.

Margaret Hodge, Labour chairman of the cross-party Public Accounts Committee (PAC), told The Independent that ministers should consider banning PwC from the lucrative government contracts it enjoys. “We should use public procurement as a lever to influence behaviour,” she said.’

Read more: PricewaterhouseCoopers condemned for giving misleading evidence to Parliament and ‘promoting tax avoidance on an industrial scale’

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