Sióga Éireannacha ag Imirt Poc Fada le Méadair Uisce


An  Poc Fada is a variation of a game played by top Irish Hurlers (Gaelic Game). The objective is to hit a ball as far as you can over a number of mountains. Whoever hits it furthest and thus the least times, crossing the finish line first, is declared the winner. Mischievous Irish  fairies are playing a variation of the game countrywide, ‘An Poc Fada le méadar uisce’. It’s the same game played with misappropriated water meters. Irish Water personnel, Gardai and householders alike are dumbfounded. Only the evidence of their shenanigans is left behind. Unlike the GAA it appears na Sióga (the fairies) are not in talks with Sky over exclusive TV rights.

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